St Paul’s After School Care
St Paul’s School Board of Trustees is committed to provide a well-managed service that meets the needs of St Paul’s School community and reflects the Special Character of the School.
We offer Before School Care, After School Care and Holiday Programme for children that attend St Paul’s School.
We are a WINZ-approved programme so parents/caregivers that qualify can apply for the OSCAR subsidy.
Before School Care 7:00 am – 8.30 am
- Arriving between 7.00 am – 7.45 am: $10.00 per morning per child
- Arriving between 7.45 am – 8.30 am: $5.00 per morning per child
After School Care 2.45 pm – 6.00 pm
- Permanent Booked in Days, picked up before 4:00 pm: $12.00
- Permanent Booked in Days, picked up after 4.00 pm: $18.00
- Casual Booking, picked up before 4.00 pm: $18.00
- Casual Booking, picked up after 4.00 pm: $22.00
A $15 charge will apply for pick up after 6:00 pm. Cancellation on the day is half of your normal daily fee and unnotified absence is charged the full fee.
School Holiday Programme 7.00 am – 5.30 pm, Monday – Thursday
- $40.00 per day per child
- $70.00 per day for 2 children
Afternoon tea is provided at After School Care and children can complete their homework and reading nights will be signed. There are varied activities both inside and outside each day.
An enrolment form must be completed for children attending.
Any queries, please contact the After School Care Manager:
Adrienne Horler, 027 405 2664